*Jupiter* - the planet of luck & good fortune - will be traveling through the constellation "Aries" in the coming year. Here's where ALL SIGNS can expect some extra luck soon -
Aries - Your WHOLE LIFE should improve and feel lucky!!
Taurus - Spiritual expansion . . .
Gemini - Your friends are your fortune . . .
Cancer - You're extra lucky at work . . .
Leo - Travel and study . . .
Virgo - Expect improvements financially . . .
Libra - Your love life!
Scorpio - Daily life will be more enjoyable . . .
Sagittarius - Romance, creativity and kids . . .
Capricorn - Things are on the up and up at home . . .
Aquarius - Think positively to change your life for the better, even if it's already very good!
Pisces - Good financial news awaits you if you don't overspend . . .