Zodiac Shop

Zodiac Shop
69 Mill Street Gahanna OH (614) 470-6990

Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Moon = Make A Big Wish Time!

Each month we get a New Moon and a Full Moon.  The Full Moon creates excitement because it's big and bright and always sends lots of energy which creates *energetic* times!  The New Moon, on contrast, gets little notice because it can't be seen and the sky appears dark on the nights of a New Moon.  BUT, it's the New Moon that, according to legend, is the best moon under which to throw out to the universe our wishes, prayers, and intentions.  When we make a wish or say a prayer (or start a project or begin a relationship or whatever (!)) it's most likely to be heard by the universe under a New Moon than at any other time of the month.    

Throw your wishes and prayers out to the universe on and around the days of a New Moon and see what happens!  Your wishes can either be spoken out loud or thought silently - be simple or extravagant - it all works, but for extra emphasis I sometimes write down my intentions, read them out loud or in my head, and then set them on fire (safely!) and let the wind carry them.  

Today - November 6, 2010 - is the day of this month's New Moon.  Hence, the beginning of my blog.  A new start under a New Moon!