Zodiac Shop

Zodiac Shop
69 Mill Street Gahanna OH (614) 470-6990

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Follow Zodiac Shop on Twitter!

   We will be tweeting astrological updates & star tips  
on our new Zodiac Shop Twitter account!    

Also:  Feng shui tips, moon reports, merch updates & store specials! 

" $8 Mini Readings " 
Every 1st Thursday  
(same day as Paws On The Plaza @ Creekside)
4-6pm @ Zodiac
Walk In Only (no appt needed)   

Bring a question!  See "what's in the cards" about any topic!


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Moon & Solar Eclipse Wednesday

from Zodiac's newsletter...

On June 1, we get a New Moon and a solar eclipse in Gemini. New Moons are a time for wishful thinking (wishes are most likely to come true!), and eclipses bring quick and speedy openings (sometimes accompanied by necessary endings). This particular eclipse is in communicative Gemini, and will help us to initiate projects that involve writing, speaking, DIY projects, and working innovatively with friends and platonic partners. This is a great week to throw your hopes & desires out to the universe and see what happens!

On June 4, Jupiter will shift from Aries into Taurus, its new home until June 11, 2012. Jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion, study, and growth; it's also a bit of a gambler. Practical, plodding Taurus is an awkward fit for Jupiter, a bit like putting a wild animal in a harness. Learning to practice restraint will be a huge lesson for the world during this time. Sustainability will trump excess, and we'll need to learn how to scale back, simplify, operate from a plan, and focus on the bottom line. With our dwindling natural resources, it's certainly a lesson we need to learn as a global population. We're in it together!

- from Astrostyle.com

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Full Moon In Scorpio

from ZODIAC's newsletter...

The Moon will be precisely full at 7:08am on Tuesday. According to one of my all-time favorite astrologers, Jonathan Cainer, all Full Moons are powerful and intense. But astrologers have noticed that they can be powerful and intense in different ways, depending on what sign they are in.

The Moon we all see growing full now is in Scorpio. Scorpios are most likely to be sensitive to this influence, but we all have a little Scorpio in us somewhere. Wherever we've got a strong emotion, an intense longing, a need for privacy, a hurt that won't quite heal or a love for something or someone so strong it almost aches, we're likely today to be feeling stirred up.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Your Jupiter (Good Luck) Horoscope For 2011

*Jupiter* - the planet of luck & good fortune - will be traveling through the constellation "Aries" in the coming year.   Here's where ALL SIGNS can expect some extra luck soon - 

Aries - Your WHOLE LIFE should improve and feel lucky!!
Taurus - Spiritual expansion . . .
Gemini - Your friends are your fortune . . .
Cancer - You're extra lucky at work . . .
Leo - Travel and study . . .
Virgo - Expect improvements financially . . . 
Libra - Your love life!
Scorpio - Daily life will be more enjoyable . . .
Sagittarius - Romance, creativity and kids . . .
Capricorn - Things are on the up and up at home . . .
Aquarius - Think positively to change your life for the better, even if it's already very good!
Pisces - Good financial news awaits you if you don't overspend . . . 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Full Moon Tip: Charge Your Crystals

From our news letter, Jennifer wrote...

Although the moon will be precisely full at 4:21pm Wednesday, we usually feel its effects the day before and after. The full moon is believed to send out extra energy, and is therefore a good time to *charge* our crystals and gemstones to make them more powerful in their healing and energetic properties. Each month as the moon grows full, put your crystal balls, clusters, stones, and gemstones (jewelry too) on a table or dresser where they can catch some moon light.

This month's full moon is traveling through Cancer, so our Cancer friends might feel the energy more than the rest of us - especially since the moon is Cancer's ruling planet! For the ruling planet of each zodiac sign, go to www.zodiaconmill.com.

Kids love to charge their crystals & special stones too!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Our 2011 Predictions For Every Sign

From my *first* and one of my very favorite

on-line Astrologers, Jonathan Cainer -

Last year's big celestial story involved a cosmic cross - a tug-of-war between Jupiter and Saturn, with Pluto playing the role of biased referee. At some point, Uranus came to Jupiter's aid, lending its weight to the positive side of the battle. We're still in the season of cosmic conflicts. This year, Uranus squares up to Pluto and begins an argument that will carry on until 2012. Once more, the theme is hope versus fear;
transparency versus secrecy; innovation versus limitation. Which will win? That depends on which of these impulses you choose to back in your own world.

NOTE: Dates for horoscope signs change every year, so if your birthday is on the "cusp," a natal (or birth) chart will identify your sign as it was on the date of your birth.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20)

Welcome to a year that moves you on. It's going to take you back to a point you reached in 2010 where you were beginning to think, yes, this is it. I know where I'm going! For a while, you felt better about your prospects. Then, just as you started seeing opportunities to make a dream a reality, along came a diversion. Suddenly, you were obliged to honour other commitments. Early in the New Year, you'll wonder, was that a dream? It seems so long ago; I don't even remember why it mattered to me. It may take a while before you regain your motivation, but once you do, nothing need stand in the way of it. There's no point wondering why that delay had to happen. Just accept that, having served your time, you're being set free to make 2011 the year you truly want it to be.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21)

After all you've been through, it's no wonder you've started to suspect your life is not your own. But it won't be long before you begin to feel less as though everything you do needs to meet someone else's approval. Instead, you're going to be asked to accept the support of the cosmos. What you don't have in your life any more will be compensated for by what you begin to receive. Largely, that's a greater feeling that the things you need to happen are starting to happen. At every level where there's something you want to protect, attain or alter, you'll begin to see that you're blessed; that you deserve success and that, if you work for the best possible outcome to a tricky situation, you can achieve it in the year ahead.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 22)

Some years, the planets insist that a certain story must be told for each sign. Other years, they don't so much say, 'This is what will happen', as, 'There's no reason this can't happen.' It's up to you to recognize what can happen and set out to make it happen. You'll face problems in 2011, if you focus on the negative, enter into a conflict or indulge resentments. You'll also slow yourself down if you decide you're not entitled to progress. But why should you think that way? Instead, focus on what dreams you might bring to fruition, what talents you might develop, what relationships you might build, what contributions you might make to a world that's ready to listen to you. It's up to you to decide what kind of year you want.

CANCER (June 23 - July 23)

Some people are lucky. In theory, they end up in the right place at the right time because they have the right attitude. But sometimes it happens even when they're grumpy. What use, though, is good fortune if you can't appreciate it? In 2011, you'll encounter circumstances where it's just as well you turned up when you did, because someone is needed to play a crucial role in a vital process. This may sound more like a burden than a blessing, but wonderful things will happen as a result of your hard work. You'll gravitate to a powerful position. Just like those who are lucky even when they don't know it, there are people who are successful even if they feel like failures. Don't fall into that trap. Relish your chance to help others while finally freeing yourself from many old worries, doubts and insecurities.

LEO (July 24 - August 23)

It's one thing to be in a stressful situation with no end in sight, and another thing to say, "I just have to hang on for a bit longer and then it's going to be all right." You may be entering 2011 in a state of tension, but it won't last longer than a few months and it will be followed by a time of resolution. You've been dealing with a lot of uncertainty lately. That's why you're so determined about a particular issue. But soon a mist will lift and you'll see a clear horizon. That will allow you the luxury of being less sure of what you think and feel, which will be good for your relationships and plans; many of which are currently too fixed or rigid. You don't need to hang on tightly to anything. It will be a fine year.

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23)

We all want health, wealth and happiness. But often when we have them, we take them for granted. Your challenge, in 2011, is to be grateful for everything and to squeeze magic out of every moment. To do that, you may have to walk towards the unknown. Nothing else is going to bring out your creativity and challenge you to find a new side to yourself. Don't be afraid of pushing the boundaries or allowing yourself to want more. Don't just solve your problems the easy way. Be proud of the unanswered questions in your life. This year, you won't find definitive answers, butyou will find meaningful insights that touch every level of your life and, ultimately, make you healthier, wealthier and happier.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23)

In your life this year, old ideas and traditions are the greatest potential sources of support and strength. People and situations aren't merely shifting; they're rolling rapidly towards unprecedented change. While many are finding this hard to adjust to, your role is to provide reassurance and leadership. You may not see yourself as stable because your mind moves so quickly, allowing you to see so many sides of each story. But, as the instability around you becomes greater than your own, you'll be a source of dependability. In 2011, you'll have a chance to provide help to those who need it. And, in return, you'll be looked after, too. Emotionally and materially, it's going to be better than 2010, regardless of your current fears.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22)

Recent events have boxed you in. Somehow, your inner light isn't shining as brightly as it should. You need to free yourself from a restriction that's been holding you back for too long. This may involve removing various 'structural elements' of your daily life, which may cause you to suspect things are falling apart. But, aren't you lucky? You're about to fulfil dreams you've long secretly entertained. In 2011, you'll use talents that have often gone to waste. You'll start making the whole world, not just your own, a better place. This is the year when you'll overcome your fears. Wherever you go, you'll be followed and supported.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21)

Your destiny is strong. Look at what's happening now and, in particular, in the areas of your life where you seemingly have no choice. The cosmos is giving you amazing direction. There's a challenge ahead. You're not going to have a hard time, but you are going to feel as if you're being carried forward by an angel who wants to lead you towards the fulfilment of a great fate. Life will soon push you into a position you've long needed to be in - a position of power from which you can make your own life more comfortable and happier, and also help others physically, materially and spiritually. That's why this will be a wonderful year.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20)

As you enter 2011, are you trying to hang on to an arrangement that you suspect is disappearing before your very eyes? Might it be wiser to let it go? Haven't you been trying hard, for some while, to unravel the fabric you suddenly feel inclined to preserve? It may take until the end of the year before you find the certainty to move on. Meanwhile, don't let the pressure become painful. If something is going to fall apart, no effort can stop it. And if it isn't going to, why pretend you're responsible for it? The changes unfolding are doing so in the right way, for the right reason. You don't have to do much more than allow them to. Hang on to your faith in someone or something that's always been right for you. It's going to see you safely through a fantastic year.

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19)

There's been a pattern in your life lately. Just when it seems as if you might make progress or seize an opportunity, along comes a wave of negativity. Yet the cosmos insists that something big and good can come into your world in 2011. All you have to do is ignore the voice of negativity. It knows how to make you curl up in a ball and say, "I give up." It simply has to tempt you into seeing the downside. You don't have to be caught in that this year, regardless of what you think is wrong with your life. Hang on to your most inspiring vision and your willingness to be guided by your highest hopes. The more open you are to something very natural occurring, the more it will, and that will lead to more magic.

PISCES (February 20 - March 20)

In 2011 you begin to see results for recent efforts, but you won't necessarily be able to relax and say, "Yes, I've done it!" 2012 will be your year for that. Meanwhile, this year, a lot of your energy will go into doing something fulfilling that involves creativity. It will be easier to do this as you finally shake free from a restriction that hangs over you from the past. There may be a period, mid-year, when it feels as if you've been taken up by a helicopter and shown how glorious your life could be, if only you'd break a habit. Then, suddenly, you're back on the ground with a mountain to climb. But climb it you will, and the change you're going through this year will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Source: http://www.cainer.com/

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Moon Week ~ Try This!

The following is a note from a friend of Zodiac, Penny Smith, as written to her friends about making the most of this year's first New Moon. Penny agreed to let us share it with you - it's a great example of what we all can do anytime this week to enhance our LUCK & PROSPERITY in the coming year!

Penny Smith, CRS, is an award-winning Realtor with RE/MAX Consultant Group. She and local radio personality, Shawn Ireland, hosted an internet show this week about astrology. Enjoy!

Dear Friends,

... Shawn and I did a fun show on TheShawnIrelandShow.com with Jennifer Lopez of Zodiac Shop ... There is a powerful new moon ... the first of the new year this week (Jan 4)! Here's some scoop on getting what you want in 2011!

First, reflect on the last twelve months ... think about all you have done and gone through. Write down your achievements and what gave you pleasure...

Second, on another piece of paper write down what you want in 2011 ... the clearer you are about your intentions the better your chances for success and the easier it will be for the universe to provide it! When finished put it in a safe place until next year...

Last ... involves letting go ... grrrrrr ... on another piece of paper write down all you want removed from your life. On the night of the 4th (or anytime this week) ... burn this list and concentrate on these negative aspects being gone from your life!

So that's my plan for tomorrow ... wanna join me somewhere for the burning ritual? C'mon over!! As always, I have some wine! LOL!

. . . And from another Zodiac friend, try this Law of Abundance Tip:

Write yourself a "Law of Abundance" check to promote financial abundance in the coming year. Under this concept, you use the actual act of writing a check to help in your visualization of a financial goal.

What you do: take from your checkbook a blank check, write it out to yourself, payable in any amount (our Zodiac friend simply writes "Paid In Full"), and sign it Law of Abundance. Either put the check somewhere handy, or keep the check with you at all times, take it out often, look at it and visualize the attainment of your goal.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy January Birthdays!

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Strengths: responsible, patient, ambitious. resourceful, loyal

Weaknesses: dictatorial, inhibited, conceited, distrusting, unimaginative

Capricorns are very ambitious people, they always have something they are pursuing and they want their lives to be fulfilled and important. Capricorns are extremely patient and will wait a long time for something they want, when the opportunity arises, they will plan their steps carefully to others, they might appear hesitant but this is not true, they know that there is only one chance to succeed and they are filing together their information to take the proper steps to accomplish their goal with flying colors, not just second rate. Capricorns have a very active mind and strong powers of concentration. Capricorns like being in control of their surroundings and everyone in their life. Capricorns are very cautious but this only to survey the situation before leaping in, they will never make a hasty jump in. They accept change but introduce it slowly so they can get used to it and incorporate it into their life. Capricorns tend to see life in black or white, definitive's only. There are no gray areas for these are areas that are not understood and this makes Capricorn feel uncomfortable. They tend to be in control in a romantic relationship that way they are never vulnerable to another person. Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Strengths: Witty, Clever, Humanitarian, Inventive, Original

Weaknesses: Stubborn, Unemotional, Sarcastic, Rebellious, Aloof

Aquarius is the sign of visionaries, unconventionality and intellectual independence. Aquarius are the people who deviate from the crowd and go their own way. They are always after intellectual stimulation, constantly discovering something new, forming new opinions and stubbornly traveling their way regardless of what other people think. Aquarius are filled with paradoxes, they are interested in the opposite ends of the spectrum, they like to be alone yet are social butterflies, they like to experience both sides and see both opinions as they formulate new ideas with their forward thinking, active mind. Aquarius have a 'live and let live' policy where everyone is free to be themselves, an Aquarius never judges others because as human beings, we are all equal and entitled to our own opinions. They are verbally skilled and very witty, they observe people and learn how to interact with others through observation. They can be masters of manipulation justifying anything they do or think. As a result, they can deal with any type of personality and adapt to any situation. They welcome change because boredom is their enemy. Anything new is an opportunity to Aquarius. Aquarius can act as an expert on any topic, they are very good at inflating their own importance, they feel it is deserved because their eccentricity makes them unique. Conventional people beware, Aquarius likes to shock and deviate from the norm, this is how they live. Aquarius is known to pick at anyone they find weak or dull-minded. It is simply an easy target for verbal exercise for them, no harm is meant but it might be taken from the other person. Deep inside, Aquarius would never intentionally hurt anyone, they have respect for every human, even thought this might not seem apparent to the more emotional types.